A man's testosterone level will fall naturally with age but due to medical conditions, lifestyle choices the amount of testosterone in the body is greatly influenced. Average sperm counts have dropped by 59% over the past 38yrs. Here is list of foods that men should avoid which kills sperm counts by reducing the level of testosterone hormone and increasing estrogen hormone causing the estrogen hormone to be dominant leading to impotence or infertility.

Foods that reduces sperm counts.


Consumption of alcohol and beer in large amounts,increases estrogen levels in the body the body,thus lowering sperm counts. According to research,men who drink alcohol heavily (tankers) have low-normal to low testosterone levels. This is a result of alcohol's ability to hinder enzymes that help form testosterone.
Effects of alcohol include:
    *It changes the shape,size and movement of healthy sperm.
     *It causes early ejaculations or early release.
      *Shrinking the testes which can cause impotence or infertility.

Canned goods.

Canned foods have BPA,a chemical that slowly leeches into food we eat and mimic estrogen. It has similar effects to estrogen hence lowering sperm counts and quality.

Processed meat.

Some processed meat contain preservatives that can hurt sperm quality. Others contain more hormones that can affect the testosterone levels.

Fruits and vegetables with pesticides and preservatives.

Pesticides are one of the compounds that might reduce the semen quality in the exposed workers according to current knowledge.Majority of pesticides including organophosphoruses affect the male reproductive system by mechanisms such as reduction of sperm density and motility, inhibition of spermatogenesis, reduction of testis weights, reduction of sperm counts, motility, viability and density, and inducing sperm DNA damage, and increasing abnormal sperm morphology. Reduced weight of testes, epididymis, seminal vesicle, and ventral prostate, seminiferous tubule degeneration, change in plasma levels of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH), leading to an increase in estrogen hormone. Although some of these pesticides have been banned in some countries,USA,men are advised to take organic foods.


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